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James Bond Jr Online



Marvel Comics (US)
A short-lived run of full-length comics based on the series, and commonly available second-hand, was released by Marvel in 1992, the first five of which were lifted directly from the show. The final seven instalments were original stories, all written by Dan Abnett; while the first four were adapted by Cal Hamilton, and the fifth also by Abnett.

1. The Beginning (adaptation of TV episode)
2. The Eiffel Missile (adaptation of TV episode)
3. Earthcracker (adaptation of TV episode)

4. Plunder Down Under (adaptation of TV episode)
5. Dance of the Toreadors (adaptation of TV episode)
6. The Gilt Complex (original story)

7. Sure as Eggs is Eggs (original story)

8. Wave Goodbye to the USA (original story)

9. Absolute Zero (original story)

10. Friends Like These (original story)

11. Indian Summer (original story)

12. Homeward Bound
(original story)

Marvel Comics (UK)
Five of the same stories (all adaptations from the TV show, except for Absolute Zero) were re-released in Marvel Comics UK's short-lived, 10-issue James Bond Jr title which ran fortnightly from October 1993 to February 1994, each divided over two issues. However, these comics, which are rare to come by now, also featured an exclusive additional story in each issue. As with the original stories in the US comics, these mini-stories are written by Dan Abnett, with art by Mario Capaldi.

1. The Beginning, Part 1 (same as Marvel US); Red Dragon (exclusive story)
2. The Beginning, Part 2 (same as Marvel US); VIP Treatment (exclusive story)

3. The Eiffel Missile, Part 1 (same as Marvel US); Dressed to Kill (exclusive story)

4. The Eiffel Missile, Part 2 (same as Marvel US); Close Encounters of the SCUM Kind (exclusive story)

5. Earthcracker, Part 1 (same as Marvel US); Thunder in the Congo (exclusive story)

6. Earthcracker, Part 2 (same as Marvel US); Venetian Bind (exclusive story)

7. Absolute Zero, Part 1 (same as Marvel US); Slay Bells in the Snow (exclusive story)

8. Absolute Zero, Part 2 (same as Marvel US); – And Action (exclusive story)

9. Plunder Down Under, Part 1 (same as Marvel US); Peak Performance (exclusive story)

10. Plunder Down Under, Part 2 (same as Marvel US); Race to the Finish (exclusive story)

Corriere dei Piccoli / Corrierino (Italy)
The Italian weekly children's comic Corriere dei Piccoli (primarily branded during this period under the name Corrierino) also adapted numerous of the TV stories, independently from Marvel, as well as running its own original stories. The run of 32 James Bond Jr strips began in Issue 4 of 1993 and ran intermittently until Issue 1 of 1994. The first ten are adaptations of TV stories; the rest are completely original. Writers are noted on the individual page for each story, while artwork is variously credited to Giuseppe Montanari, Claudio Piccoli, P. Cerveglieri, Lola Airaghi and Stefania Pescerello.

1993, 04. Adaptation of The Beginning (Un Nuovo Studente)
1993, 05.
Adaptation of The Sword of Power (
La Spada del Potera)
1993, 06. Adaptation of Live and Let's Dance (
Balletto in Pericoloso)
1993, 07. Adaptation of Shifting Sands (Il Mistero del Faraone)
1993, 08. Adaptation of Appointment in Macau (Appuntamento a Macao)
1993, 09. Adaptation of Location: Danger (
Pericolo sul Set)
1993, 10. Adaptation of A Chilling Affair (
Un Esperimento Scongelante)
1993, 11. Adaptation of A Race Against Disaster (Una Vittoria Schiacciante)
1993, 12. Adaptation of The Chameleon (Il Camaleonte)
1993, 13. Adaptation of Mindfield (La Forza del Pensiero)
1993, 14. Original story: The Tibetan Potion (La Pozione Tibetana)
1993, 15.
Original story: In Search of the Philosopher's Stone (Alla Ricerca della Pietra Filosofale)
1993, 17.
Original story: A Very Dangerous Invention (Un' Invenzione Troppo Pericolosa)
1993, 18.
Original story: The Loch Ness Monster (Il Mostro di Loch Ness)
1993, 20.
Original story: Theft at the Doge's Palace (Furto a Palazzo Ducale)
1993, 28.
Original story: An Unrelaxing Holiday (Una Vacanza Poco Rilassante)
1993, 31.
Original story: Voodoo (Voudou)
1993, 32.
Original story: Intrigue at Warfield (Intrigo a Warfield)
1993, 34. Original story: Operation Checkmate (Operazione Scacco Matto)
1993, 35.
Original story: Castle Dracula (Il Castello di Dracula)
1993, 37.
Original story: The Barrier Beam Mystery (Il Mistero del Raggio-Barriera)
1993, 39.
Original story: The Weapon from the Past (L'Arma Venuta dal Passato)
1993, 40 .
Original story: An Ecological Problem (Un Problema Ecologico)
1993, 44.
Original story: Labyrinth (Labirinto)
1993, 47.
Original story: The Secret Weapon (L'Arma Segreta)
1993, 48.
Original story: Napoleon's Sceptre (Lo Scettro di Napoleone)
1993, 49.
Original story: Family Affair (Affari di Famiglia)
1993, 50.
Original story: The Theft of the Maltese Penguin (Il Furto del Pinguino Maltese)
1993, 51. Original story: Terror on Christmas Eve (Terrore nella Notte di Natale)
1993, 52.
Original story: The Monkeys' Treasure (Il Tesoro delle Scimmie)
1993, 53.
Original story: An Eventful New Year (Un Capodanno Movimentato)
1994, 01.
Original story: The Treasure of Pirate Lafitte (Il Tesoro del Pirata Lafitte)

All text content © James Bond Jr Online 2009. If you would like to use any of the text from this site please ask permission first. This is an unofficial fan website and is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by the owners, creators or distributors of James Bond Jr.