A board game (known simply as James Bond Jr - The Game) was released, allowing players to take the role of good (James, I.Q., Tracy or Gordo) or evil (Dr Derange, Jaws, Odd Job or Captain Plank).
Two computer games, one for the NES and one for the SNES, were released, both action-based platform titles.
The latter featured a number of villains from the TV show: Scumlord, Dr Derange, Skullcap and, unusually, Maximillion Cortex. The first part of the game, set in Central America, appears to be based loosely on the TV episode The Emerald Key, while likewise the second part, set in Venice, is based on Leonardo da Vinci's Vault. The third portion, in which James confronts Scumlord in S.C.U.M.'s Antarctic headquarters, has very superficial similarities to The Thing in the Ice - namely the setting and the villain.
A series of action figures (James in various costumes, I.Q., Gordo, Coach Mitchell, Dr Derange, Captain Plank, Dr No, Jaws and Odd Job), plastic vehicles (James' car, scuba cycle and S.C.U.M. cycle), and diecast models (including James' car and the Warfield van) were also produced.
We hope to feature more detailed information on some of the above shortly.